Should You Update Your Air Registers?
All of the air registers connected to your ducts should always be easy to open and close. Importantly, you should also try to remember to actually do this. That is, some people never open or close their air registers, which is a big mistake. You can't expect your airflow to be maximized to its full potential if all of your registers are open or closed. Simply put, some registers don't need to be open all the way, or they at least need to be adjusted so that the air is actually blowing in the right direction.
How Registers Age
When you do open and close your registers, they might get a little dirty from your hands. But, it is even worse if you never open or close them. Dust can build up in the hinges and make them hard to operate.
Rust Problems
Also, if you have aluminum registers, you might need to worry about rust after some years. If your evaporator is not always working at 100% efficiency, which it inevitably won't be at one point or the other, there could be rust as a result of this moisture. This can cause the paint to peel off of the register. So, even if your registers seem to look good and clean on the outside, they might be difficult to open and close because of the rust. Of course, the rust can eventually get so bad that the paint chips off of the register.
Why You Should Choose Vinyl
So, if you do decide that it is not practical to just replace your registers, you should consider investing in vinyl instead of aluminum. The two main perks to choosing vinyl over aluminum are that there is no risk of rusting. Also, the vinyl is not painted, so you don't need to worry about the finish getting scratched off. It is also worth noting that vinyl easier to paint then aluminum. This means that, if you did want to change the color of your registers for any reason, vinyl will definitely be a better choice. Of course, most people just want clean, white registers, and there are many great vinyl products in white (and other popular neutral colors).
In the end, having cleaner and easier to operate registers is going to be beneficial to your HVAC system. Considering that you can probably replace all the registers in your home for just a couple hundred dollars, it is an extremely smart upgrade. For more information, contact a company like R & B Inc Heating & Air Conditioning.