5 Heating-Related Tips for Your Daycare Facility
If you operate a daycare facility, then one thing that you might be concerned about now that winter is approaching is keeping the children nice and warm. These heating-related tips are perfect for those who are involved in the daycare industry.
1. Have the Heating System Checked out before the Cold Weather Comes
Before cold weather affects the city that your daycare is in, have the heating system checked out. You can do this by contacting a company that offers heating repair services. They can make any needed repairs and provide you with suggestions to make sure your heater is ready for winter. Then, you won't have to worry about keeping the kids warm later if the heating system doesn't work like it's supposed to.
2. Change the Heating Filters at Your Daycare Facility Regularly
Changing the heating filters in your daycare facility on a regular basis is smart for a few reasons. First, it will help with filtering the air, which is good for kids who might have allergies. Plus, it'll help the heating system work better and more efficiently.
3. Make Sure There are Plenty of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Place
Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are essential in any daycare facility. You should pay them some extra attention during heating season, though, by making sure that you have enough of them installed in the facility. You should also test them to make sure that they work.
4. Avoid Using Dangerous Heating Sources
Space heaters might work just fine in offices where there are only adults during the day, but they usually aren't a safe choice for daycare facilities. They can be hot to the touch and can pose a fire hazard if they're knocked over, which are both concerns when there are a lot of children around. Additionally, make sure that any radiators or other heating equipment are not hot to the touch or otherwise dangerous for kids who might come in contact with them.
5. Try to Avoid Opening and Closing the Doors Too Much
If you open and close the doors of your daycare center too much, you'll let the warm air out and will drive up heating bills. Plus, the facility might feel uncomfortably cool while the heating system is trying to keep up. Of course, there probably isn't much that you can do about this during certain times of the day, such as when parents are dropping off and picking up their kids at different times. When possible, though, try to avoid it. For example, try lining up all of the kids together before opening the door to take everyone outside to play rather than letting kids out separately and opening and closing the doors multiple times to do so.