Is It Time To Install A New Heating Unit? Find Out

Heating systems are vital appliances that are normally installed on concrete floors, walls, and ceilings to increase indoor temperatures. And with proper maintenance, these appliances can serve you efficiently for years. But they will degrade over time, reducing their lifespan and output significantly. As a result, you will incur more costs in optimizing the heating unit's performance. So, it is advisable to hire an HVAC installation expert to assess the problem and if the unit is beyond repair, they will recommend a replacement. Below are the signs it is time to replace your heating system.

Inconsistent Heating  

If you repeatedly notice the temperatures in your home are uneven despite running your system, you should consider replacing it. This problem might arise when the unit's components wear down over time, causing the appliance to run harder to meet the average output. Additionally, used-up filters may allow grime into the system which corrodes the core components like coils, reducing the heating performance. For that reason, you should engage an HVAC professional to replace your heating unit.

High Utility Bills

When the heating systems begin to age, their efficiency starts to decline gradually. This is because slow and progressive deterioration causes its components to strain to function. Subsequently, your system will run overtime as it attempts to draw adequate air for heating, resulting in skyrocketing energy costs. So, you should contact an HVAC installation technician to install a new heating appliance to lower operation costs.


Your heating system will cycle when the indoor temperatures decrease to keep up with the thermostat setting. But, if your unit prematurely stops before completing a cycle, it could be faulty. Then again, if your unit is oversized for your home, it will short cycle frequently, causing room-to-room temperature variations. Thus, you should hire an HVAC contractor to assist you in downsizing your unit for one that meets your heating demands adequately.

Strange Noises

Heating appliances produce relatively low sounds when in operation. However, when these sounds become loud and bothersome, it could indicate an underlying component malfunction. For example, your unit will rumble if there is gas back up in the combustion chamber while clunking noises indicate a defective blower wheel. Therefore, consider getting the services of an HVAC expert to upgrade your heating appliance for a less disruptive operation.

When you experience high energy bills, uneven air flow, weird sounds, or noticeable damage to your heating system, you should consider replacing it. Therefore, contact an HVAC installation contractor to help you select and install a heating unit for optimal performance.
