
HVAC Issues: 4 Handy Methods For Locating A Refrigerant Leak

One of the more common problems homeowners face is refrigerant leaking out of their HVAC system. While it isn't a dire situation, it can be an annoying an expensive one. Fixing a leak is often an easy thing to do; however, actually locating the leak can be difficult. Fortunately, there are several methods for locating a refrigerant leak in a home heating and cooling unit. If you want to test your hand at locating a refrigerant leak in your HVAC system, use one of these four methods: Read More 

3 Strategies For Keeping a Room Warm While Your Heater is Repaired

Having your heater stop working on a cold day can be a disaster, especially when you have to wait around home all day for the repair technician to show up and fix your heater. If your heater is down, here are a few tricks for staying warm until the technician shows up. Stay In One Room The first thing you should do is pick one or two rooms in your house where you want to hang out until the heater repair technician arrives and fixes your heater. Read More 

An Effective Way To Clean Your Registers And Ducts

There are many simple fixes that you can do on your own to repair and improve an inefficient HVAC system. You can do these things before you hire a professional HVAC contractor to service your system. In the end, if these repairs don't solve your problems, you will need to resort to the professionals anyway. But, if you can identify and fix the source of your problems, you could save yourself the cost of an HVAC contractor visit. Read More 

2 Methods For Reducing Airborne Allergens Throughout Your Home

Allergies can make your life a little harder, especially if they cause breathing problems of any kind. For this reason, you want to look into different ways of removing airborne allergens from your home. Clean the Ductwork The ductwork is one area some people may forget to clean on a routine basis. The problem with not cleaning it is that all manner of allergens can become stuck inside the ductwork and flow back into your home. Read More 

Heat Pump Or AC Unit?

Choosing Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning, or HVAC, equipment for your home should not be a matter of passing concern. Instead, you should focus on the long-term effects that your choice could have. If you buy an AC unit, you force yourself into the need to buy a separate heating element, usually a furnace. On the other hand, if you buy a heat pump, you gain one piece of equipment that should be able to handle both your heating and cooling needs. Read More