
Seal Up Plumbing & Wiring Holes In Order To Save Energy

If you are looking ways to save money on energy costs this fall, you need to make sure that all the plumbing and wiring holes on the outside of your house are properly sealed up. This will, in a small way, help reduce your energy costs. As an added bonus, sealing up around these holes will also help you keep pests and insects out of your house as well. Find The Holes Read More 

Replace That Rotting Insulation Around Your Outside AC Pipes Today

If the insulation that is surrounding the tubing or pipes connecting the outside component of your air conditioning system to your home has become worn out or rotted, make sure you change the insulation. This will help keep your tubing safe and working at maximum capacity. Poor Insulation Leads To Higher Energy Costs When the lines running from your outside air conditioning unit to the inside of your house are not properly insulated, condensation forms on the outside of the lines. Read More 

Bleeding Your Radiators: A How-To Guide

If you have a boiler-style heating system that uses water rather than steam, there is an important maintenance task you should be completing about once a year – bleeding the radiators. When you bleed the radiators, you are letting out any air that has worked its way into the system, so the water is able to fill the radiators completely. Here's a look at the signs that your radiators need bleeding, and how to go about that process: Read More 

2 Tips For Purchasing A Brand New AC Unit For Your Home

The chances are that your air conditioner will breakdown at the most inconvenient time during the peak of summer. Instead of rushing to buy the first replacement unit you find, you should slow down and be certain that you are purchasing the correct unit for your home. Here are 2 tips to consider when purchasing a new air conditioner. Selecting The Correct Size A common mistake that homeowners make is purchasing an air conditioner that is the incorrect size. Read More 

Repairing Wall Unit Heating Elements And Wiring Issues

Wall unit heaters are used to give targeted heating for specific rooms. They're useful for areas that have multiple tenants or a family with drastically different opinions of what hot and cold means. Although it takes some effort to get into the inner workings of a wall heating unit, a few troubleshooting tips can help you keep them running as long as needed. Check Heating Elements For Breaks A lot of heating unit problems come from overuse or weakening components. Read More