Air Conditioning Maintenance to Turn Off the AC And Prepare Your Home For Winter

As the summer weather begins to cool down a little, your AC is going to require some maintenance. You want to make sure to take care of things like cleaning the unit, changing filters, and minor repairs before turning it off. The following AC maintenance will help you get ready to turn the air conditioner off and prepare for winter. Change filter and adjust dampers When you begin air conditioning maintenance, the first thing that you should do is change the air filter. Read More 

Your Air Conditioner Is Overheating For These Three Reasons

When your air conditioner constantly shuts down unexpectedly or repeatedly trips the circuit breaker, it's probably trying to tell you it's too hot. It may seem ironic that a machine designed to keep spaces cool would overheat, but here are three reasons why it happens and what you can do to fix the problem. It's Dirty The most common reason air conditioners overheat is that they're dirty. Dust and other contaminants get inside the appliance, creating a film of grime that traps heat and impairs functionality. Read More 

Furnace Installation - Some Things You Can Do To Prepare

Furnaces are technical pieces of equipment that must be installed and connected in a precise manner to work effectively. While this is true, you can make the professional's job a bit easier by making sure that you take the right steps to prepare for your install appointment. A few simple things that you can do are outlined below. Get Some Blocks It is not wise to install a furnace directly on the ground. Read More 

Effectively Maintaining Your Air Conditioner

Failing to properly care for an air conditioning system can be a leading cause of performance problems and other major malfunctions. However, this important task is not an especially difficult task to do as long as a homeowner is familiar with some of the basics of keeping these systems running smoothly and effectively. Avoid Underestimating The Importance Of Your Air Filters A homeowner will often fail to consider the importance of ensuring that the filter for their air conditioner is replaced regularly. Read More 

3 Dangerous Commercial Heating Problems

Any commercial space located in a cool climate wouldn't be comfortable without the help of a furnace. You rely on your furnace to keep employees and customers comfortable, but no heating system is bulletproof. It's important that you are able to recognize the signs of some potentially dangerous heating problems so that you can have your furnace repaired before disaster strikes in your commercial space. Overheating Modern furnaces are made from many different components. Read More