5 Heating-Related Tips for Your Daycare Facility

If you operate a daycare facility, then one thing that you might be concerned about now that winter is approaching is keeping the children nice and warm. These heating-related tips are perfect for those who are involved in the daycare industry. 1. Have the Heating System Checked out before the Cold Weather Comes Before cold weather affects the city that your daycare is in, have the heating system checked out. You can do this by contacting a company that offers heating repair services. Read More 

Should Your Heater Ever Smell?

Ideally, your heater should be odorless or smell pleasant, at least. However, there are times that your HVAC will eventually emit smells that you may find worrisome. Some smells are fairly common and expected from your heater, which have been turned off for months during summer. However, some smells can also be serious health hazard that warrant for immediate furnace repair. Here are some of the common heater smells and what should you do about them: Read More 

Ductless Pumps For Cooling Or Heating: Why?

In your home, if you're not using a main HVAC unit to deliver both cooled air and heat to the house, you're probably using radiators, baseboard units, or window units to do so. Ductless heating pumps can deliver the same comfort to you. Why should you consider pump setups? 1-No Extensive Housework With other systems, you may have to prepare yourself for days of work to get the HVAC unit set up and have the ducts placed strategically throughout your home. Read More 

Don’t Try This At Home: Why You Need A Professional For Your Heating And Cooling Repairs

If you're having trouble with your HVAC system, you need to hire a professional heating and cooling service to take care of the repairs for you. Your HVAC system is not something that you should be attempting to take care of as a do-it-yourself project. Unless you're just trying to replace the filter, you're going to need an expert to care for your HVAC system. Here are just four things that could go wrong if you try to take care of your own HVAC repairs. Read More 

Should You Update Your Air Registers?

All of the air registers connected to your ducts should always be easy to open and close. Importantly, you should also try to remember to actually do this. That is, some people never open or close their air registers, which is a big mistake. You can't expect your airflow to be maximized to its full potential if all of your registers are open or closed. Simply put, some registers don't need to be open all the way, or they at least need to be adjusted so that the air is actually blowing in the right direction. Read More