Improving the quality of air indoors is essential in improving your respiratory health. According to the EPA, the quality of air indoors is usually 2 to 5 times worse than the air outside due to the construction materials used in homes. Studies also show that most people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, thereby increasing the rate of exposure.
Air filtration systems aim to reduce contaminants in the home. These residential filtration systems can be fitted to your heating or cooling unit with little or no modifications.
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If you have noticed that your home is not cooling off as well as it should, you may start to suspect that the refrigerant level may be low. However, since the refrigerant runs through a closed system and is not used up like gas in your car, a low level is a strong indicator for a leak somewhere in the unit. If you believe that this may be the case, look for the following signs that your home's central A/C unit is leaking refrigerant.
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Your air conditioner has two jobs. One is to cool your home, and the other is to lower humidity in your house. The AC lowers humidity through the process of condensation. The condensation should flow outdoors or to a drain and not be a problem, but sometimes the condensation doesn't drain properly, and you might notice foul odors, see water around the AC, or your AC might shut down. This is how your AC is supposed to deal with condensation, the problems condensation can cause, and the types of repairs your equipment could need.
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Some homeowners rarely or never schedule heating system maintenance, which should be done every year. They figure it's unnecessary. Yet going without this annual cleaning, inspection, and adjustment service can actually result in a need for emergency repair service. It also can reduce the equipment's longevity.
Why Maintenance Is Essential
Theoretically, a household might temporarily save some money by not scheduling annual maintenance. But it's like the old saying about paying an affordable amount now or paying a larger amount later.
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